In addition to providing professional video crews, we also have the latest and greatest digital cameras and support gear. Our digital cameras include Arri Alexa Mini and Sony FX9 & FS7 Cameras. We also have top-of-the-line digital cinema lenses, including Zeiss CP3 and Anamorphic Prime Lenses, and Canon Cinema Zoom lenses. The support gear of our videography services includes slider dollies, gyro Steadicam systems, drones, and more.
We scale the crew based on the specific needs of each production. From small ENG crews to full-scale commercial productions. Below is a full list of our crew offerings.
Production Coordinators
Casting Services
Directors of Photography
Sound Recordists
Digital Media Data Wranglers
Script Supervisors
Camera Operators
Video Engineers
Teleprompter Operators
Hair / Make Up Artist
Set Designers
Jib Arm Operators
Tricaster Operators
Drone Videographer
Commercial Videographer
Why Studio B Films Crew Services?
Putting Together the Right Crew for the Job
We know how intimidating it can be to hire a professional video crew, particularly when you’re shooting out of town. We take pride in our ability to dial in on our client’s specific needs and make sure we have the right crew for the job. There are times when what matters most is that the DP can move fast while shooting beautifully lit interviews and cinematic b-roll. Other times you may have a green-screen shoot that needs the best lighting setup for pulling a perfect key, and we’ve got the technically minded DP, DIT, and Gaffer for the job. If you are looking for live event photography, we got you covered. Or perhaps on a tighter budget, you’re looking for a director/videographer who can direct the crew and run the interview. Whatever the specifics, Studio B Films has a large pool of professional, talented, client-facing in-house and freelance crew members perfect for any gig.
San Francisco / Bay Area Location Scouts and Services
From stunning downtown loft spaces to distinctive Bay Area neighborhoods to scenic San Francisco skylines, you can lean on our video production services to help you find, book, and obtain permits for the best places to shoot.
We Know our Way Around San Francisco Convention Centers and Hotels Having shot dozens of conferences and events in San Francisco hotels and convention centers, our event video production knows how to navigate both the show floor and the union rules at these locations.